The Astrological
of Princeton, N.J., Inc.
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule:
Our monthly meetings start at 2:00
Currently, all of our meetings are
being presented online via Zoom.
October 13th, 2024
This meeting will be conducted as a
live online presentation via Zoom. Once you register for the
webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing
details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before
the meeting.
John Townley,
"Islands In The Sky: Planetary Order as a Key to Character and Life
natal horoscope may be viewed as a set of initial conditions,
individual planetary positions which are then subject to repeated hits
by most of its original players, over and over again, in the exact same
order. At different scales: diurnal, lunar, solar, and various synodic
cycles and fractal reflections, but always the same order. Kind
of like a Ground Hog Day script starting at birth that doesn’t let up
because, well, that’s all there is. Each beginning is different, but
then you’re stuck with it for life -- and all that repetition builds up
early and lasts for life, like an ever-reinforcing spun cocoon winding
around you.
When one hit to a planet is always preceded by the same hit to the same
previous one, you begin to get used to – even expect – the same results
from the same cues. First the anticipation may be making you crazy, but
after that it becomes expectation, then just buried habit and
presumption, the very foundation of character, all from a random set of
initial conditions…you can’t escape the basic itinerary, but greater
awareness of the excursion opportunities at the repeating ports of call
can make the trip more interesting and adventurous…
In this talk, John presents his unique take on the impact of planetary
order in a chart. It may forever change your view of how the
horoscope works.
John Townley:
in his astrological career, John Townley introduced the composite chart
technique for analyzing relationships in his book The
Composite Chart,
and twenty years later wrote the definitive work on the subject, Composite
Charts: The Astrology Of Relationships.
He has pioneered techniques for astrological cycle analysis and
proposed a new, physical basis for astrology. He is also the author of Planets
in Love, Dynamic
and Lunar
has been the president of the Astrologers' Guild of America, was the
editor of The
Astrological Review,
and is a contributor to professional and popular astrological
magazines. His books have been translated into seven languages. John
has been featured on the BBC, CBC, PBS, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNET and Granada
radio & TV, Polish National Radio/TV, Voice of America, Armed
Forces Radio, and cable TV. His website is
You must register in advance to attend this
lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P.
members. You can register for this online meeting
webinar by pressing the button below:
November 10th, 2024
This meeting will be conducted as a
live online presentation via Zoom. Once you register for the
webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing
details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before
the meeting.
Dr. H.,
"Astrological Physiognomy"
H will lead a 60-minute exploration into the ancient art of
physiognomy, where he will examine the history of this practice
beginning with a 3th-century BCE pseudonymous text attributed to
Aristotle. The literature review will discuss differences between
"pure" physiognomy, which focuses on reading a person's character
through facial features, and astrological physiognomy, which seeks to
predict physical appearance based on the natal horoscope. The talk will
highlight the importance of the rising decan—beyond just the rising
sign—as a critical tool in making accurate physiognomic judgments. In
addition, Dr. H will explore how the rising decan aligns with a
three-fold temperament model, offering insights into personality and
behavior. Practical applications of physiognomy, such as how it can aid
in rectifying horoscope charts, will also be covered, with illustrative
examples to bring these techniques to life. Don't miss this chance to
delve into a fascinating intersection of astrology and physical form.
Dr. H is nom de plume of the founder of Regulus
Astrology LLC which specializes in testing the validity of recently
recovered techniques of Medieval and Hellenistic astrology. He received
his Diploma in Medieval Predictive Astrology from Robert Zoller in
2005. Two self-published titles are available: A Rectification Manual:
The American Presidency (2022, 4th edition) and America is Born:
Introducing the Regulus USA National Horoscope (2021, 2nd
edition). His
website is:
You must register in advance to attend this
lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P.
members. You can register for this online meeting
webinar by pressing the button below:
December 8th, 2024
The annual A.S.P.
Holiday Party.
January 12th, 2025
This meeting will be conducted as a
live online presentation via Zoom. Once you register for the
webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing
details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before
the meeting.
Kathryn Silverton,
"The Astrology of Surgery Timing: A Pragmatic Approach"
The sayings go that “timing is everything” and “to every thing there is
a season.” And so it goes with choosing the best time to have elective
surgery. This talk will cover the rudimentary zodiacal sign and
planetary rulerships of body parts. We’ll then move on to the rules of
surgery timing, being mindful that this is planet Earth, where very
little is perfect, but we can strive for ideals. Lastly, numerous
examples will be presented, demonstrating how surgery dates and
outcomes have been chosen for clients.
About Kathryn:
holds a master's degree in psychology and became professionally
certified as an astrologer in 1983. She has served on the board of the
Metropolitan Atlanta Astrological Society for over 20 years and was
appointed to the board of the American Federation of Astrologers in
2021. In addition to her consulting practice, she teaches beginning to
advanced levels of astrology, including the math of casting charts. She
specializes in medical astrology and the timing of real estate
transactions. She also developed the Advanced Medical Astrology
Correspondence Course for the AFA. Her website is
You must register in advance to attend this
lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P.
members. You can register for this online meeting
webinar by pressing the button below:
February 9th, 2025
This meeting will be conducted as a
live online presentation via Zoom. Once you register for the
webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing
details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before
the meeting.
Daisy Orr,
"Profections: A New Look at an Old System"
There are a variety of techniques that astrologers can use to identify
themes for a given year. One of these methods is “profections,”
an ancient Hellenistic timing technique that was developed around the
second century BC. In the simplest form of profections, each year
of life is associated with a different house and its planetary ruler
(“Lord of the Year”). The first house represents the first year
of life, the second house the second year, etc. After 12 years,
the cycle repeats.
In this talk, Daisy will discuss the methods that were used by the
ancients and then describe a variation of profections that she has
developed. This method has proven to be surprisingly
accurate in revealing the qualities of a person’s year. She will
present case studies of individuals showing how this profection method
accurately reflected their personal circumstances.
About Daisy:
Daisy, A.S.P. Treasurer, is a retired teacher, artist, and a long-time
practitioner of astrology.
You must register in advance to attend this
lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P.
members. You can register for this online meeting
webinar by pressing the button below:
March 9th, 2025
This meeting will be conducted as a
live online presentation via Zoom. Once you register for the
webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing
details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before
the meeting.
Amir Bey,
"Caesar and Cleopatra: the Astrology of Power and Intrigue"
discussion centers on the relationships between Julius Caesar,
Cleopatra VII, Marcus Antonius, and Augustus Caesar. Amir was first
inspired by reliable accounts of the approximate time that Gaius Julius
Caesar left his house to go on his fateful walk to the Senate at 10:30
What intrigued Amir was that were there several signs that he should
not go yet were ignored or he was distracted from: his wife’s dreams of
their house collapsing, him not feeling well, possibly having a seizure
the night before, several entrail readings that were all negative, the
legendary but true warning by the soothsayer Spurinna to beware of the
next 30 days from a February date that included the Ides (15th) of
March; and a friend knew of the assassination plot and sent him a
message that he decided to read after returning from the Senate. A
fateful distraction was one of the conspirators, upon hearing that
Caesar was hesitating, came to persuade him to go. That 10:30 AM time
provides what may be one of the earliest possible Electional/Inception
studies. It also began Amir’s research for the rectification of Caesars
birth chart, whose life record supplies a plentitude of dates for
Most historians agree that Julius Caesar was born on July 13, 100
BC. Amir’s rectified chart refines this to July 13, 100 BC, Rome,
1:10 PM, with a 27º Libra 54’ Ascendant, 29º Libra 09’ Moon, Venus
elevated in Leo at 7º Leo 06’.
With Cleopatra VII, Amir was led to a realization of her ethnicity -
Alexandrian - as opposed to Hellenistic or Native Egyptian, due to the
unique status of Alexandria, and its role in Mediterranean and North
African civilization. It should be noted that as a pharaoh of Egypt,
she was not only a ruler, but a deity. The time span for her birth has
been given from late December 70 BC to mid- January 69 BC, within a two
or three week period. Noel Tyl rectified her birth date to be January
14, 69 BC, but Amir has discovered that circumstantially that is
unlikely because Mark Antony’s birthdate is undoubtedly January 14, 83
BC, and all accounts state that she planned to celebrate his birthday
shortly after hers, a preparation that would have taken at least a
week. His birthdate is without question because of Augustus Caesar’s
ironic obsession with erasing the memory of Antony, his rival, by
making it illegal for any business to be conducted on that date.
With Augustus, we have the only horoscope of the four said to be done
during their lifetime, September 23, 63 BC, 5:45 AM, Rome. The source
of that time is now unknown, but several coins depict his Capricorn
Moon - Sun and Ascendant in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo. Amir feels that
Caesar’s selection of Octavian as his heir, the future Augustus, was
uncanny, that his young great nephew, was the best choice - and as it
turned out, Antony’s impulsive character proved to be no match for the
calculating youth.
Amir will focus on Caesar and Cleopatra as the foundation for this
four-way relationship. One planetary and sign signature that appears
for them is Saturn in middle and late degrees Capricorn, and the sign
Bey is an artist and astrologer from New York City. He has
studied astrology for over 45 years, and has had a lifelong interest in
history and mythology. He is a renowned mixed media sculptor and
curator, and has combined art and astrology in many projects. He
is also the creator of the Equinox
Celebration Tarot, a 36-card deck in
which each card image was originally carved in stone. In
addition, Amir has worked as a radio producer at KPFA-FM in Berkeley,
CA, producing such shows as "Black Air," "Third World News," and "The
Souls of Black Folk." His website is
Please see Amir's complete Biography
and list of projects at
You must register in advance to attend this
lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P.
members. You can register for this online meeting
webinar by pressing the button below:

April 13th, 2025
This meeting will be conducted as a
live online presentation via Zoom. Once you register for the
webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing
details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before
the meeting.
Steve Judd,
"Astrology as the Lingua Franca of the Emerging Consciousness
The development of the internet and the acceleration of astrological
interest were synchronous in the late 90's and accelerated further
during Covid. Compounding cross generalisational appeal in
today's technological age, Astrology is ideally suited as an emerging
language that crosses all borders. With the development of new
archetypes within the last century (Pluto, Chiron and the major
asteroids) I put the case that Astrology is the new Esperanto, with the
potential to unify different cultures, religions, nationalities and
Steve has studied astrology since 1977, is self taught and was awarded
the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology in 2005. In 48 years
he has records of over 35,000 horoscope readings with a large client
base, many of whom return for yearly updates. With over 115,000
subscribers on YouTube, he has a loyal following. Steve’s
idiosyncrasies endear him to his clients which, coupled with his
bohemian and direct attitude, makes him a unique astrologer. He
likes to think that he practices abnormal astrology.
Steve's website is
Sunday, May
11th, 2025
This meeting will be conducted as a
live online presentation via Zoom. Once you register for the
webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing
details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before
the meeting.
Andrea Gehrz, "Teleology:
Hellenistic Astrology’s Missing Philosophy"
Have you studied the techniques of Hellenistic Astrology? Have you read
the ancient authors? Do you still feel like there is something missing?
Well there is!….it is the philosophy underlying these ancient
techniques. Teleology is the ancient development theory upon which all
Hellenistic techniques have been developed. In this informative and
philosophical lecture, we will learn everything these is to know about
Teleology for the modern astrologer. If you want to study up
beforehand, you can visit and find Andrea’s article entitled
“An Introduction to Teleology for the Modern Astrology.” Here is the
Andrea Gehrz has been an astrologer for 25 years, and focuses on
Astrological Remediation. She attempts to help or heal any chart from
its challenges, and the struggles that come in on transits as well.
Gehrz began her journey years ago at Kepler College, where she learned
of the ancient Greek texts that needed to be translated. With her
history and experience as a Sign Language Interpreter, she took on the
task of translating several ancient Greek astrological texts into
English -- including the Vettius
Valens Anthology, the Introduction
to the Tetrabiblos, Tetrabiblos
Books One, Two, and Three, as well as a book called Ensoulment
(on how the soul gets into the body). Her response to the *fated*
nature of the Hellenistic material was to write her most pivotal
textbook -- Astrological
Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner. She currently
teaches students high level astrology and remediation at the Moira
Press School. Find her at
To join classes and events, go to the Events tab. Also find her
Remediation channel on YouTube at
Also, interact with her live on Facebook at
She looks forward to working with you!!!
Registration page coming soon!
Sunday, June
8th, 2025
This meeting will be conducted as a
live online presentation via Zoom. Once you register for the
webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing
details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before
the meeting.
Bruce Scofield, Topic TBA.
Bruce Scofield began studying astrology in 1967 and has earned a living
as an astrological consultant since 1980. In the early 1980's he passed
astrological certification tests from both the American Federation of
Astrologers (AFA) and the National Council for Geocosmic Research
(CA-NCGR) and during the 1990's was the national education director for
the latter organization for five years. He is on the faculty of Kepler
College ( and maintains a private practice based in
Amherst, Massachusetts, working with clients by telephone and email.
Bruce often speaks at astrology conferences and meetings and is the
author of numerous articles and eight books on astrology. He is a
frequent writer for the Mountain Astrologer magazine and the Llewellyn
Moon and Sun Sign books, and has had articles published in the NCGR
Journal, Dell Horoscope, American Astrology and many other astrological
magazines and journals. Bruce has several other interests including
science, hiking, photography, music, and archaeology and has had
articles, books and creative works published in those areas as well. He
holds a BA in history from Rutgers University, an MA in social sciences
from Montclair University and a PhD in Geosciences from the University
of Massachusetts where he has taught cosmic evolution and Gaia Theory.
His website is
Main Page