The Astrological Society of Princeton, N. J., Inc.

173 South Harrison St. Princeton, N. J. 08540 609-924-4311



Each  course  consists  of  a  1  1/2  hour  class  each week  for  eight  weeks.  Three  to  six  courses   are normally offered each year (October through May).

1. Beginning Astrology I (The Basics)

The  Zodiac,  houses, planets, aspects, and some natal interpretation.

2. Beginning Astrology II (Elementary Natal  Interpretation)

Continues Beginning Astrology  I.  A simple  method of interpretation will  be  presented: "branching  out" from Sun,  Moon  and  Ascendant. Prerequisite: course #1, or its equivalent in knowledge.

3. Transits and Progressions

The  most  commonly used  dynamic  techniques  of modern astrology, transits and progressions, will  be covered.  These  involve moving bodies  and  points over  the  natal  chart,  thus making forecasts possible. Prerequisite: Courses #1 and  #2, or their equivalent in knowledge.

4. Putting It All Together

Materials of courses  #  1-3 will be reviewed, and a few new items added.  Natal charts will be delineated, and times of interest examined with transits, pro- gressions,  solar arc directions and solar returns. Prerequisite: the contents of courses 1-3.

5. Synastry

The astrology  of  relationships, covering a four-step method of chart comparison, using the  horoscopes  of husband  and  wife,  parent  and child,   professional partners,  etc.  Such issues   as compatibility, challenges in relationships, and houses as role indicators will be discussed in depth.  Prerequisite: the contents of courses # 1-3.

6. Mundane Astrology

The  astrology  of  the world in which  we  live:  nations,  politics, conflicts, history, and events involving   large   segments  of   the   world's   population.
Topics  to be dealt with will include the  horoscopes of nations and  their leaders,  historical cycles, eclipses  and  their  paths as they  relate  to  world events,
wars, and natural disasters.  Prerequisites: a basic knowledge of signs, houses, planets,  aspects, transits,progressions, directions and natal interpretation.

Astrology being a vast and complicated subject, much more can be added by way of somewhat more specialized topics. The above  six  courses  cover the most basic level of knowledge that  should  be mastered by any practicing astrologer. To supplement them, the following topics have been, or probably will be taught as the occasion arises in the future. They may be taken in any order, and in some cases before or between the above six courses, preferably with the instructor’s permission:

The ASP Faculty also sponsors afternoon workshops on the second or third Saturday of most months from October to June. Most of them are given by persons from outside ASP’s membership and faculty, many of them well-known authorities, including some from abroad. These workshops supplement the above in countless ways. The same applies to our monthly meetings, usually on the first Sunday of the month, October through June.

Those interested in the certification program of NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) should know that this program was created simultaneously with ASP’s curriculum under the leadership of the same persons (Joan and Ken Negus), and therefore ASP’s curriculum offers most of the materials covered by the NCGR certification tests.

The ASP Faculty: